You Don't Scare Me, Mr. Scarecrow!

October 06, 2017 1 min read

All right. So I said I wasn't looking forward to fall. I've changed my mind. After a real hot spell, here, autumnal temps are looking good. I have had my fill of heat. Halloween, harvest time, earlier sunsets! Bring 'em on! After all, fall festivals and celebrations can be great fun.

An Illinois town near ours, St. Charles, has an annual Scarecrow Festival from October 6-8 (click here for more information), and Cambria, California has one that runs from October 1 - October 31 (click here for more information.)

According to several online history sites, the tradition of using scarecrows began in Egypt. This practice was adopted by the Greeks, then the Romans, and eventually the Germans – who brought their scarecrows to the United States. The most famous scarecrow of all, of course, is the scarecrow from Wizard of Oz!

If I was a scarecrow, this is probably what I would look like:

Even though scarecrows don't do a darn bit of good (crows love them and so do squirrels!), they can certainly bring out the creativity in people!

Here are some scarecrows that I've seen around town. 

Scarecrows of Elgin

Enjoy your autumn weather with a trip around town to check out the scarecrows and fun fall decor. Or check out a local fall or harvest festival.  Get a fresh cup of apple cider or apple doughnut or a pumpkin spice latte and enjoy the foliage, the scarecrows and the fall décor. For some ideas to change up your garden, check out these pretty and playful ideas from FlagsrUs!

Whimsical Scarecrow Flag

Tell us about your favorite fall festival in the comments below!


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