The Egg Thief

July 19, 2017 3 min read

Together with our son, we own about 70 acres which we call The Happy Trail Farm. Our son Jordan bought my parent's side of the acreage, and we have thirteen head of beef cattle, and our son also built himself a chicken coop and has six red laying hens. 

Jordan truly enjoys his chickens and usually has them outside of the fence, free range, eating in his yard. They are very playful and will follow you wherever you go, thinking of course, you are going to give them some food.

One of the best parts of having chickens is, of course, the nice fresh eggs that they lay on a daily basis. It is typical that a chicken will lay one egg a day, so we are getting six eggs a day, or so Jordan thought.

One day while I was at Jordan's house, he stated that the chickens had not layed any eggs for a couple of days, and he didn't know why. He said they had been consistently giving six eggs a day for a long time. We considered all the obvious choices as to why this could be happening, such as another animal getting in and stealing them, the chickens not eating right, or maybe they just were getting too old. As we contemplated, we determined that it had to be another creature, somehow, breaking through the very well built fence and stealing the eggs.

Without really coming up with a solution, we decided that we would just keep a watch on them and then decide what was happening.  

Then it happened. Jordan came home early from work, and you guessed it; the creature was in the chicken coop and yes, the creature was in the act of stealing the eggs.

As Jordan slowly approached the chicken coop, he quietly said, "Grandma, what are you doing?" 

"Oh, just gathering the eggs for you, honey."

Jordan started laughing hysterically and asked if she had been doing this every day.

"Yes," she said, "I have been baking like crazy, and I love using the fresh eggs."

So he explained the concern about what in the world could be stealing the eggs and that she IS the creature that is sneaking in. They both laughed, realizing that she was, of course, the egg thief.

The adventures that Jordan and Grandma get into make me think of this perfect welcome mat from FlagsRUs that I will definitely be getting him for his front door.

Now, I am sure that you are curious as to what she was baking with all of those eggs. My favorite cake growing up and still today is a homemade angel food cake. I request it for my birthday every year. My second favorite food item is homemade noodles. Having farm fresh eggs means you can make both from scratch with the same amount of eggs. How?

To make one angel food cake, you use twelve egg whites. With the left over yolks, you use them for the noodles. I roll them out two egg yolks at a time with a pinch of salt and a handful of flour. Work it together with a fork and then roll out, using more flour. Let them dry and then cut them. You will love the dark yellow color, and the flavor is like none other.

Check out the farm animals house flags for so many options that will fit your style. Also, don't forget what a great gift a door mat is to welcome the new neighbor or to remind a friend of their favorite thing.  

The mystery is solved at Happy Trail Farm. Onto the next adventure! 

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