We Found an egg!

June 27, 2018 2 min read 1 Comment

Volunteers are wonderful and make such a difference in the world as they impact the people around them.

I currently work for a corporation that serves the elderly population in one form or another. We have a facility which encompasses assisted living, memory care, group home, home health and skilled nursing all on one campus. In addition to our regular staff, though, volunteers are so very important and truly make the difference in the lives of our tenants.

Recently, my daughter was babysitting and decided to bring the two little gals in to see me and to visit with some of our residents in the nursing home. A very unique part of our nursing home is that we have chickens that live there in the summer and fall months. Residents are encouraged to go out and watch them, gather the eggs, or even pet them when they bring them around in the chicken stroller.

Our two little girls were pretty excited to see if there were any eggs in the box, so that is where they headed first. Thankfully, there was one egg and they were delighted beyond description. We then headed out to play in the courtyard playhouse and we were determined to carry the egg around to show all of the residents. My daughter and I were both holding our breath while the two- and five-year-old carried the egg, hoping it did not end up as a scrambled egg. The residents were thrilled to not only see the little ones, but to enjoy their excitement upon finding an egg.

In this busy world, I know we all have so much on our plates, but don't forget the elderly in your community. If you could spare an hour a week to visit with, read to, or just sit with a resident, it makes a big difference.

Also, think about the amazing people you've seen volunteering in your community and perhaps bless them with a gift from the FlagsRUs website. Or perhaps you have a family member or friend in the nursing home who would truly be blessed not only by your visit, but with a gift of a flag reminding them of one of their favorite things.

I can promise you that what you receive from volunteering or giving will always be greater than what you gave to that other person you blessed. Have a wonderful summer from Happy Trails Farm!

1 Response

Rhonda Broughton
Rhonda Broughton

July 16, 2018

Sweet story. I enjoyed your heart.

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