Joys of Napping

March 24, 2018 2 min read

Write about what you know, someone famous once advised. As I do have a nodding (and drooling) acquaintance with naps, and since FlagsRUs has some adorable flags featuring napping pets for both spring and summer like the "Do not disturb" flag above, I thought it would be appropriate to canvas napping as we dream of the soon-to-arrive lazy days of summer.

I’ve done the bobble head thing, bravely struggling to stay conscious during a slow movie after a long day in the great out-of-doors, but when I’m working hard, I love to stretch out flat on my back on the floor for 20 minutes after dinner. That’s usually good for about 18 minutes of deep sleep. I’m a known napper, and I’m not afraid to admit it.

Naps are beautiful things. They can be short or long, planned or unplanned, real or fake. You know of that special transition time between being awake and falling asleep? I call it the twilight zone, and it's a great place. When you enter it, it's as though you’re getting a glimpse of what’s going on in that brain of yours. It’s a peek at your dream machine, your subconscious, which I’m convinced is always running. I find the transition time is a creative place. It seems like the falling-off-for-a-nap twilight zone is more vivid and memorable than the night-time/bed-time, down-for-the-count one is. (That theory could stand some more research, though. Any volunteers?)

Was it Ben Franklin who claimed he could get by on just two hours of sleep a night? Shucks, last week I got that much shut-eye during one particular day. It was a slow day, and I think I was coming down with something. The need to sleep, for me, is usually a sign that I’m in the early stages of fighting something off, illness-wise. I try to listen to what my body tells me and when it says “Sleep!” I say “Yes sir!” This particular day I became a serial napper. I had four or five great naps and apparently got over what was after me with my restorative slumber, so I believe naps are an important tool in my overall war on sickness.

I believe in power napping as well. A short nap before a busy time or a long meeting is a great energy booster. A nap during a meeting, on the other hand, is a sign of a boring meeting. A 10-15 minute nap can really recharge the old batteries, I’ve found. 

So give yourself the gift of a nap once in a while, if it doesn’t interfere with your job duties or personal safety, that is. And if you have the perfect hammock in your yard and don't want to be disturbed while you're snoozing, don't forget to stop by the FlagsRUs site for our "Do Not Disturb" flag and fly it while you get some rest this summer. 

Be careful, though, naps can be habit forming, and you may get a little cranky if you don’t get one. Happy napping!


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